November 2, 2022
Melissa Valerio
Well, hello there! Thank you for joining me on my very first post! This blog is a written record of my thoughts, ideas, opinions, desires, and everything else that comes with having a soul that burns for the Lord. I always strive to align my thinking with Truth, because unless it lines up with the Lords’ thoughts, it holds no weight. I am far from perfect! But thankfully, every day, I’m being shaped more and more by God’s glory. Every day, I look a little bit more like Jesus, act a little bit more like Jesus, think a little bit more like Jesus, and speak a little bit more like Jesus. In this way, I’m becoming more of Him and less of me. And that’s what it means to be transformed by His glory.
In Exodus 34:29, the bible tells us that Moses met with God on Mount Sinai, and when he came down the mountain afterward, his face was shining brightly. Kind of like a suntan, but brighter! This was because Moses was in God’s presence, and because God is Light and Glory, the brightness (glory) transferred onto Moses’ face. Similarly, when we spend time in the presence of Jesus, His Spirit shines in us. The more time we spend with Him, the more His Spirit will shine. The difference now, is that the glory shines from the inside out, as opposed to Moses’ experience of being transformed from the outside in.
And this is my hope for the Ten Talents blog. To shine the Light, plant the seeds, feed the hungry, and rejoice in the victory!
Will you please join me?