February 23, 2023
Melissa Valerio
Have you ever been stuck between a rock and a hard place? You know, when there doesn’t seem to be any hope for your situation? You think to yourself “Now how am I going to get out of this one?” Doesn’t necessarily need to be a bad situation, it’s just a seemingly hopeless one.
Here are some examples from the Word:
God saving His people from the Egyptian Army when they were pushed up against the Red Sea — Exodus 14
God providing water to Hagar and Ishmael in the desert — Genesis 21:13-21
God rescuing His people from annihilation — Esther 8
God shielding Daniel from the mouths of the lions — Daniel 6:10-24
Jesus protecting His disciples from the storm — Mark 4:35-41
Jesus feeding the 5,000+ people when He multiplied the bread and fish — Matthew 14:13-21
No doubt that God works in mysterious ways. Why does He allow us to get into these situations that look hopeless? Why not just avoid the need for a miracle all together and keep us free from hardships from the beginning? Well, I suppose then we wouldn’t ever be in a position to see His powerful hand. We’d never see the miraculous work of the Lord if we never had a need for it. It’s almost as if He’s boxed us in on all sides with the “stand firm and watch the deliverance of the Lord” challenge. Where else am I supposed to go when there’s no one else who can help me? Exactly where He wants me to go… to Him. And then finally, I’m in a position to see His power and glory.
Prayer: Lord God, You truly are a mystery. Your ways are not our ways, and Your thoughts are not our thoughts. Thank You that even through the hardships, You are saving, providing, rescuing, shielding, protecting, and feeding us. Thank You for bringing circumstances into our lives that lead us back to You, exactly where we belong. Keep us close to You. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Action: Notice all the different ways God saved his people in the list above. Think about specific ways He’s done those same things in your life (saving, providing, rescuing, shielding, protecting, feeding). Thank Him for each and every one.
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