March 16, 2023
Melissa Valerio
There are thousands of promises from God that appear in the Bible. Promises of hope, promises of protection, promises of success, promises of deliverance, promises of strength, and so forth. If there are so many promises written to us, then why are we so lacking in all these areas? Why aren’t we seeing the reality of these promises? Because many of the promises of God are activated by faith in action.
Take Joshua, for example. In Joshua 1:1-3, we read “Now it happened after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, that the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’ servant (attendant), saying, “Moses My servant is dead; now therefore arise [to take his place], cross over this Jordan, you and all this people, into the land which I am giving to them, to the sons of Israel. I have given you every place on which the sole of your foot treads, just as I promised to Moses.” (AMP)
This was the Promised Land that God promised to give to Abraham and his descendants (Joshua was a descendent). This was an absolute 100% sure thing that was going to happen, yet God still commissioned Joshua to do something in order to receive the promise. He needed to “arise”, and he needed to “cross”. Then again, once he crossed the Jordan, God promised to give the city of Jericho, along with its king and warriors, into Joshua’s hands. That meant they were going to defeat the city and take it over as their own. However, God commanded that Joshua, and all his military men march around Jericho 7 days and 7 times before the walls would fall (Joshua 6). The promise was already made, but only after the action was taken did it become reality.
I wonder if the same thing applies to us. God has given us so many promises and maybe He’s just waiting on us to pursue them with that same kind of action. Doesn’t James 2:14 say that faith without works is dead? Action/works is the physical evidence of our faith. The Israelites initially lost the chance to enter the Promised Land 40 years earlier because of inaction (Numbers 13). Instead, the promise went to the next generation. Without question, the promise WILL COME. If not to us, then to the one after us. So let’s not forfeit our promises because of inaction! If we would only act like God is telling the truth, then maybe we’d have far more of the abundant life than we’re living now.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, I know You’re calling each and every one of us into action in some area of our lives. Maybe it’s at work, or in a relationship, or in a dream or vision You’ve given us. Please speak to our spirits so we can hear You clearly. What would You have us to do? Where would You have us go? What is the next step in this journey You are taking us? Please speak, Your servants are listening. In Your holy name, Amen.
Action: Consider this — with every action you do unto the Lord, there is a promise attached. Commit everything you do to the Lord (Colossians 3:23-24) as though you’re working for Him directly (because you really are). If you’re not sure what specific action He’s calling you to take, then work backwards and do everything unto Him. Your action in all things will turn the specific promise into reality.