Divine Intersections

March 20, 2023

Melissa Valerio


Have you ever met someone that changed the course of your life? They made such a profound impact on your life; your life was never the same again. Good or bad, right? We do not like the bad, that’s a given. But the good, now those are divine intersections orchestrated by none other than God.  

We read of one such intersection in Acts 8:26-40 when a disciple named Philip was told by the Holy Spirit to “go south to the road that descends from Jerusalem to Gaza.“. As Philip was traveling along that road, he came upon an Ethiopian eunuch who was reading Isaiah in his chariot. Again, the Spirit spoke to Philip and said, “Go up and join this chariot.” As Philip approached, he heard the man reading from the prophet Isaiah. He asked him if he understood what he was reading, and the man said “no”, so Philip explained all about the prophesy of the Messiah (Saviour of the world) coming to earth, and then explained that the prophesy was fulfilled in Jesus Christ. At once, the man’s life was changed. He believed on Jesus, was baptized, and rejoiced all the way home! This is a beautiful example of a divine intersection! 

And because God works in the small details as well, divine intersections don’t always have to be someone leading someone else to Christ. It could be something as simple as you having a need, and God connects you with someone who is able to provide for that need. For example, in Genesis 24, Abraham wants to find a bride for his son, Isaac, so he sends his servant out to his home country to find a wife for him. Abraham instructs him not to choose a Canaanite woman, but rather a woman from his homeland, from among his relatives. The servant prays that God would make his journey successful and as God would have it, the first woman the servant meets is the very woman that God hand-selected for Isaac. Rebekah. A divine intersection that changed both of their lives forever. You and I have experienced this as well. God’s plan for our lives works in such a way that He is constantly bringing people into our lives that provide what we need to get us one step further in His great plan. Specifically arranged by God and stamped with His approval.  

Prayer: Lord in Heaven, thank You, first of all, for the divine intersection of YOU! You came into our lives through someone who spoke to us about You. Thank You for arranging that meeting and opening up our hearts to receive You. Thank You also for all the people You have brought into our lives that help us get further along in Your great plan. In addition, we open ourselves up to be used by You in someone else’s life, to be a blessing to them and help impact their lives for eternity’s purpose. In the name of Your blessed Son, Jesus, Amen.  

Action: Think of someone who has impacted your life for the good. Write them a thank you note with specific details on how they’ve changed your life. Thank God for putting them in your life for His purposes.