Unless The Lord Builds The House

March 30, 2023

Melissa Valerio


You may know this song…  

The wise man built his house upon the rock 

The wise man built his house upon the rock  

The wise man built his house upon the rock 
And the rains came tumbling down 


The rains came down and the floods came up  

The rains came down and the floods came up 
The rains came down and the floods came up 
And the house on the rock stood firm 


The next stanza explains that the foolish man built his house upon the sand and when the rains came down, the house on the sand went “splat”! This classic Sunday School song teaches a very important lesson …. unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.  


Taken from Psalm 127:1-2, this principal illustrates the need for our lives to be built upon the unshakeable foundation of God if we’re going to have any success in anything we do. This verse speaks first about the house, then the city, then coming back around to the most important structure – the family. That by putting God at the head of the family, ruling and reigning and having His way in all areas, we are building upon the only solid foundation there is. And by continuing to remain rooted in Jesus, it becomes so strong that no storm can bring it down.   


This principle doesn’t just apply to the home, but anything we intend to build. Like building a business. Unless it’s within the will of God and He approves of it, it will not succeed. It can apply to relationships, especially romantic relationships. Unless the relationship is within God’s will for your life, it will not last. The only surefire way for something we’re toiling for to succeed is if it’s God’s will all along. Unless He is the one planning it, building it, engineering it, and sustaining it, we are just expending energy but going nowhere. Like a hamster spinning in its wheel. When we come before the Lord, offer our lives to Him, and ask Him to build His heart’s desire in us, then and only then will we start seeing success in our efforts.  


Prayer: Heavenly Lord, You alone are the foundation that everything else is built on. Nothing exists without You. Our plans and work in this world are worthless unless we’re working in Your name and for Your purposes. Help us to build upon the only solid rock there is – Your son, Jesus. Knowing that our efforts in Him are never in vain. In the precious name of Your Son, Amen.  


Action: Read Psalm 127. Think of an area in your life that you have built on your own, apart from God’s involvement. Invite Him to come in and be a part of it and ask that He take control. Be willing to trust Him with the outcome. (Remember, if it’s not built within His will, it will fail anyway. So might as well ask Him to take control now.) 



image: freepik.com