May 11, 2023
Melissa Valerio
My kids are fascinated with mansions. “Can we live in a mansion one day?” my 8-year-old, Ryan, will occasionally ask. And of course, here is the perfect opportunity for me to teach how the houses here on Earth don’t necessarily bring you happiness just because they’re big or fancy. But having this awe for large fancy homes isn’t necessarily a bad thing, right? Even Jesus enticed his followers with a fancy dwelling place “In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto Myself, that where I am, there ye may be also.” (John 14:2-3 KJ21). Other translations say “rooms” and “dwelling places”, but the point is, this is a large enough home for all of God’s children to live with Him forever. Which means it’s a massive palace-like structure! Revelation describes its beauty as being a city made of pure gold with walls garnished with all sorts of precious stones like jasper, sapphire, chalcedony, emerald, sardonyx, and many others. (Revelation 21:18-21) Needless to say, this home (both Heaven AND the New Jerusalem) that God is preparing for us will be beautiful, grand, colorful, roomy, and very, very fancy! Maybe that’s the delight that’s been planted in Ryan’s heart. He knows something about his future that keeps a glisten in his eye and a hope in his heart.
So, the answer is YES, Ryan, we will live in a mansion one day. Bigger, better, prettier, and fancier than ANY mansion here on Earth. Forever and ever, Amen!
Prayer: Heavenly Lord, we can’t wait to live with You forever! Even the grandest home here on Earth cannot compare to our dwelling place with You in Heaven. Keep our eyes set on You and remind us that all these things will pass away. But Your Word will never pass away. In the holy name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Action: John 14:2-3 promises that Jesus will come back for us and take us to be with Him forever, in His dwelling place. Until we reach Heaven, we can live with Jesus right here and now through the Holy Spirit. If you’d like to live with Jesus now, ask Him into your heart today. You can pray for forgiveness of your sins and invite Him into your heart to live and rule. The promise of a mansion will then be yours too!