May 25, 2023
Melissa Valerio
One of the most common things among all of us, believer and non-believer, is that we all go through periods of trial and tribulation. Times of extreme lows, where getting out of bed in the morning takes all the strength in the world. It could be for a number of reasons…. your marriage is failing, your loved one is facing a health crisis, you’ve lost your job, you can’t find a job, you’ve lost a child, [insert your trial here]. These times of hardship are not new to us in this generation, they go all the way back to the Old Testament times (really, all the way back to Genesis). Sometimes they are brought on by our own disobedience and neglect, and other times they are brought on by the Lord, to strengthen us and build character. In either case, these bitter cups of pain are no joke. But thankfully, they’re never forever.
When Israel sinned against God time and time again, refusing to acknowledge Him as God and turning to other “gods” to worship, God wasn’t happy. But being the patient God that He is, He gave them time and a few several judges to help them get back on track. Yet even through all the hardships they had to endure, they never truly turned their hearts back to Him fully. And so in His anger, He punished them by allowing an enemy nation to overtake them and bring them into captivity. Now, instead of serving the good and faithful King of the Universe, they were serving a pagan king who did not live by God’s standards. For seventy years, the Israelites lived in captivity, until enough was enough. God faithfully brought them back to their own land of freedom. All through those seventy years, however, the Israelites grew accustomed to fasting four separate times throughout the year in attempts of gaining God’s favor and releasing them from this captivity. After seventy long years, the time had finally come for them to experience release from the Babylonians. And after they returned to their land, they inquired with the prophet Zechariah on whether they should still practice their fasting rituals. This is what Zechariah said, “The word of the Lord of hosts came to me, saying: ‘Thus says the Lord of hosts: The fast of the fourth month, and the fast of the fifth, and the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth shall be seasons of joy and gladness and cheerful festivals for the house of Judah; therefore love truth and peace.’” (Zechariah 8:18-19 NRSV) What was initially a practice of lament was turned into a practice of joy! The fasting they practiced in sorrow was now to be a time of joy and celebration in victory. This is exactly what David speaks of in Psalm 30:5 “For his anger is but for a moment; his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may linger for the night, but joy comes with the morning.” This is a PROMISE! Weeping may linger for the night, but joy comes with the morning. The trial and hardship you are going through now WILL NOT last forever. This is the hope we have in Jesus. There is still a time coming when all your pain, tears, regret, and shame will be turned to joy, gladness, rejoicing, singing, dancing, and undoubtedly, a testimony to share with others who will experience something similar. God never lets our pain go to waste. There is a reason and a season for it. Do not despair, your joy will come soon.
Prayer: Heavenly Lord, You promise to walk all these roads with us. Although we do not know all the reasons that You allow these trials to come into our lives, we do know that we can learn something from each one. Teach us, instruct us, help us, encourage us, strengthen us, and build us up. We are Your body, growing pains and all. Thank You for going through each trial with us and thank You for the joy that is promised to come. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Action: Going through hardships moves us from surface-level faith to deep-level faith. Keep yourself rooted in His word and be diligent about praying. If you are not currently going through a trial, find someone in your life who is. Encourage them with Psalm 30:5 and Psalm 55:22. Spend some time with them and offer the hope Jesus offers by casting their burdens on Him. Pray with them for Jesus to take charge of the situation, and to give them peace through it.