December 19, 2023
Melissa Valerio
“As children receive Jesus Christ as their Savior, it changes the direction of their lives for good, and it can save them from a lifetime of personal emptiness” -Reese Kauffman, Child Evangelism Fellowship
Every year during Christmas time, what’s the one thing parents hear constantly?? “Can I have this for Christmas?” “Can I have that for Christmas?” I want this, I want that. Ahhh!! I’m on a personal mission to change my children’s ways of thinking about Christmas. Less of the “I want to have” and more of the “I want to give” language. I know it’s hard for children, but starting these lessons while they’re still young will prayerfully have the long-term impact I’m hoping for. Generous hearts that love God and love others.
Proverbs 22:6 says this: “Teach a youth about the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” (HCSB) If parents do not implement biblical discipline and instruction, they risk leaving their child to “raise themselves”. The problem is, we are all born in a sinful, destructive condition. And unless we (the parents) interject and intentionally teach our children about Jesus, the gospel, His truths, and His principals, they will be left in that degenerate state all the way on through adulthood.
Is this a guarantee that teaching children biblical values will ensure their salvation? No. It doesn’t even ensure they’ll choose to live Godly lives. As we all know, each person has the freedom to choose Jesus or reject Him. BUT, it does give them a solid foundation that they can build upon as they walk through life. These lifelong lessons can provide relief and hope when they face troubling times in the future. A little bit of seed planting while they’re young could grow to be a beautiful crop later on in life. But we’ll never know unless we plant those seeds now.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me plant the seeds of salvation and Godly principals in my children. You’ve given me such a precious gift in these children, and I want to shape and mold them for Your use. I realize the lessons I teach now have a lasting impact. Help me teach them how to give their lives to You, instead of keeping it for themselves. In Your majestic name, Amen.
Action: The book of Judges gives us a great example of what the world would look like if everyone went their own way and did “what was right in their own eyes”. You can see that left to our own devices; we would totally screw things up. We need Jesus and the Holy Spirit living in us to do any good. This year, plant a seed for Christmas. Think of someone within your influence who could use Jesus. If they’re alive and breathing, there’s still time. Once they’re gone from this Earth, it’s too late. Share the hope of Jesus with someone this week.