Serving Him

February 5, 2024

Melissa Valerio


he got up from the meal, removed his outer clothes, took a towel and tied it around himself. He poured water into the washbasin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to dry them with the towel he had wrapped around himself.” John 13:4-5 NET
I often wonder if Jesus found it difficult to serve people; His own creation. That would be like me serving my own children. Which I guess I do by caring for them and making sure their needs are met. So no, I don’t think it was difficult. I think He naturally has a servant’s heart. I think serving brings Him joy. It certainly does for me. This scripture from John 13 gives Jesus as the ultimate example of servanthood. Willing to do the work of a slave in washing His disciples’ feet. Teaching them that it is God’s will for us to do likewise, by serving each other. Even those that don’t deserve it, because really, none of us do. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many. 
What does it mean to serve Christ? It means giving Him total control of our lives to do as He wishes and take us where He wants us to go. Not resisting or “kicking against the goads” when things go contrary to our plans. It means following His lead, imitating Him, loving His sheep, and doing what He instructs us to do. It’s doing His will, even if that’s not what we prefer to do. See how Jesus obeyed the will of the Father by going to the cross? He didn’t want to face the suffering He would endure, but He knew it was God’s plan and He obeyed out of love and service to Him. He carried out the will of His Father, regardless of the humiliation and the abandonment by His disciples. He did what He came to Earth to do. Give His life entirely to serving God. 
Prayer: King Jesus, thank You for obeying the Father’s will and dying in place of me. Because of Your willingness to obey, I am forgiven. Give me that same determination to do what the Lord asks of me, regardless of any humiliation or abandonment that may come with it. It’s You I want to please. In Your heavenly name, Amen. 
Action: Memorize John 12:26 – If anyone wants to serve me, he must follow me, and where I am, my servant will be too. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.”  Spend some time with the Lord and ask Him what He wants to do through you. Serving God will always involve serving people. His goal is to make Himself known. Ask how you can help with that. 