November 11, 2024
Melissa Valerio
“Each of you has received a gift to use to serve others. Be good servants of God’s various gifts of grace. Anyone who speaks should speak words from God. Anyone who serves should serve with the strength God gives so that in everything God will be praised through Jesus Christ. Power and glory belong to him forever and ever. Amen.” 1 Peter 4:10-12
I discovered recently that I DO NOT have the gift of speaking. At least not in front of large groups. But that’s perfectly fine with me. I’m happy to be the one behind the curtain making sure everything is set up and ready for the one who will be speaking in front of large groups. And even the behind-the-curtain kind of service is glorifying God. What does He say in 1 Corinthians 12? The body has many parts. Each has its own function and its own purpose. Equally dependent upon and equally benefited by all the other parts of the body. Whatever our individual giftings are, we are to use them well. Stewarding the things He’s given us for His kingdom and for His glory. I shouldn’t feel bad that I can’t speak clearly and concisely in front of a group of strangers without rushing through my words like I’m spitting them out of my mouth. It’s just not my gift. And that’s ok. I’m happy being the pinky toenail. Hide me away and let me just help balance everyone else out. That’s my gift, and I’m going to use it well.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, I’m with Moses. I can’t speak either. BUT, I do have some really good news to share with the world. So, use me however You wish to tell Your people about You. The power is in the message, not in me. May You be glorified in all I do. In Your holy name, Amen.
Action: Think of a spiritual gift that you are good at. How can you use it to bring praise to God? Some examples of the gifts: speaking, serving, giving, encouraging, teaching, leading, hospitality, and many many more. Research some of the spiritual gifts and see if you can identify one that you are good at. Ask that God would raise up an opportunity for you to use that gift sometime this week.
Okay…You are wayyy-aay more than the pinky toenail. Okay maybe you’re not the flashy mouth…. But I’d rather have the strong bones of the skeleton that help the body stand up. <3