September 18, 2023 Melissa Valerio I read an article recently that really made me sad. It was about a teenager from Massachusetts that died after eating a spicy chip in a “spicy chip” social media challenge. These are the challenges my boys love to watch, so naturally it scares me as I’m sure it does […]
Author: tentalents
Lessons From David And Donny
September 11, 2023 Melissa Valerio On September 11, 1971, 13-year-old Donny Osmond’s cover version of Go Away Little Girl reached number 1 on Billboard’s Hot 100 chart. Interestingly, it was recorded previously by 3 different artists within the course of 9 years. There is quite a bit of wisdom in the lyrics, considering it’s a secular […]
Worship In Truth
September 4, 2023 Melissa Valerio “‘Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews say that the place to worship is in Jerusalem.’ Jesus told her, ‘Believe me, woman, an hour is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You Samaritans worship what you do not know. We […]
Catching Hold Of The Garment
Melissa Valerio August 28, 2023 Those of you who have children will know exactly what I mean when I say that some days, I don’t feel like I have the strength to deal with 3 young children who constantly bicker and argue and annoy each other. Some days it’s just non-stop. Not only am I […]
Singing Through Suffering
August 21, 2023 Melissa Valerio It’s easy to sing a song of praise in joyous circumstances, right? When everything is going well. But try singing a song of praise through the tears of heartache. Or the paralyzing pain of physical trauma. Who would be strong enough to do such a thing? And where does that strength […]
Dead To Sin
August 14, 2023 Melissa Valerio One of the sins I struggle with is thinking that the time allotted to me on any given day belongs to me. But in reality, every second of the day belongs to the Lord. I am supposed to use it for His glory, His purposes, and to open myself up […]
The Risky Life
August 7, 2023 Melissa Valerio The things that people will risk their lives for! Back on August 7, 1974, a man by the name of Philippe Petit performed on a high wire stretching between the top of the twin towers in New York City. For a full hour he walked back and forth between […]
July 31, 2023 Melissa Valerio “Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God! How unsearchable His judgments and untraceable His ways!” (Romans 11:33 HCSB) Have you ever sat there and wondered why we are here? Why God created human beings in the first place? Why are the spiritual […]
Of Greater Value
July 24, 2023 Melissa Valerio In the last post, we talked about how greatly we are valued in God’s eyes. How much He loves us and wants us to be with Him, proving it by sending His Son to die in our place. So, this week I’d like to talk about something of greater value. […]
Of Great Value
July 17, 2023 Melissa Valerio I read an article last week about an Alaska performing arts center that went to great lengths to keep their technical theater manager. The manager, from Sri Lanka, graduated from Midwestern State University in Texas. He then participated in a one-year training program in Alaska, where he became skilled in […]