January 30, 2023
Melissa Valerio
Mark 5:21-43
I admire Jairus. His desperation led him to seek out the only Person he believed could help him, Jesus. Jairus was well versed in the Old Testament scriptures, having been a synagogue official. So, he probably knew the Messiah was due to come and rescue them, and maybe even hearing rumors of His coming prompted him to seek Jesus out, hopeful that this was indeed the Messiah. Notice he didn’t go after a doctor, but God himself. Maybe because the child was beyond the point of medical help, and now only God could save her. And lovingly, Jesus agrees to go with him to help his daughter. Yet on the way to Jairus’ house, Jesus is stopped by a woman, also having a medical issue. She had been going to different doctors for years without any success in finding healing, in fact her situation grew worse over the years. But also in her desperation, she sought out the only Person that could help her. And indeed, Jesus helped her! Just by touching his cloak she was healed.
At this point, I wonder if Jairus was anxiously irritated that Jesus stopped to talk with the woman who was bleeding. I can just see him pacing back and forth, shuffling about, maybe muttering under his breath “C’mon Jesus!!! My daughter, remember?!?” I bet he wanted to cut right in between the two of them and (not) politely ask them to wrap it up so they could be on their way again. But there is nothing in the text that indicates Jairus was at all irritated by this interruption. This delay, in fact, was long enough for Jairus’ daughter to die. As verse 35 says, “While he was still speaking, they came from the house of the synagogue official saying, “Your daughter has died; why trouble the teacher anymore?‘” Yet Jesus told Jairus not to be afraid, to just believe. And as they approached Jairus’ home, there were people outside crying and wailing loudly. Jesus told them she wasn’t dead, but only sleeping. They all laughed at him, thinking He was foolish! But Jesus doesn’t pay them any mind. He tells them all to get out of the house except for the parents, and Jesus does what only Jesus can do. He took the child by the hand and told her to get up. And so, she did.
There are quite a few lessons to learn from this passage:
1) Jesus has the power to resurrect dead things. The raising of Jairus’ daughter is a physical picture of what Jesus does spiritually inside of us. And what He does in our lives, as a whole.
2) Jairus made the right choice by picking the right helper. No one else and nothing else can help us like Jesus can. He is the source of all power and has authority over everything, including our health, finances, bodies, emotions, and circumstances. You name it, He’s got authority over it.
3) Another person receiving a blessing does not mean less for me. Jesus has more than enough healing power for everyone. And He can work simultaneously. Jesus can work in my life and someone else’s life at the same time.
4) Faith stays when all things look hopeless. Jairus received the worst news ever, that his daughter had died. But Jesus told him to just keep on believing. And they continued walking to Jairus’s house.
Prayer: Lord God, we want faith like Jairus!! To know where to go for help, to be patient while You work in the lives of others around us, and to keep believing even when everything around us looks hopeless. Because if You are for us, not even death can be against us. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Action: While you are waiting for God to move in a powerful way in your life, think of someone else that needs help just as desperately as you do. Pray for them. Ask the Lord to help them, to move powerfully on their behalf, and to give them strength to continue walking with the Lord.