May 6, 2024
Melissa Valerio
Happy Birthday to Chris Tomlin who just celebrated his 52nd birthday on May 4th! One of my favorite songs by this incredible artist is “I See You”, an inspirational song about seeing God all around us. Intentionally seeking Him, especially in trying times. The same kind of seeking as described in Matthew 8:23-27 when the storm came, and Jesus was asleep in the boat. The disciples went straight to Jesus, awoke Him, and told Him about the perilous situation they were in. What amazes me about this story is that God permits the storm and delivers them through it. Must be true for us, too, right? He is always with us, but it is often us who forget He’s there. How can we see Him within the storm? We can see Him in creation all around us. The warmth of the sun, the beauty of the mountains, the vibrancy of the flowers. We can see Him in the faithfulness of the stories of old. The countless times He has delivered His people out of troubles. We can see Him in the pain of our circumstances. The Psalms are full of personal petitions to God. I cry aloud to God, aloud to God, that he may hear me. (Psalm 77:1); I cry with my voice to the Lord, with my voice I make supplication to the Lord, I pour out my complaint before him, I tell my trouble before him (Psalm 142:1-2). These cries for mercy help bring God to the forefront of our mind and helps us see Him clearly, as a friend would be standing just in front of us. God is there, with us, throughout the entire ordeals of life. It’s not hard to see Him, we just need to look.
Prayer: Father God, You are everywhere. You’re with us on the mountain, You’re with us in the valley, and You’re with us everywhere in between. Help us see You more clearly than ever before. In the precious name of Your son, Amen.
Action: Read and memorize Acts 17:27 “This was so that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grasp for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us.” God can be found, if we will only look for Him. Find Him in beauty, in music, in a person, in a heartwarming memory. He is everywhere. Find Him and enjoy Him.
Again and again, Melissa … I read your blogs and understand the depth of your love for God. So glad to call you friend. Meg