Hungry For God

November 6, 2023

Melissa Valerio


“I’m hungry!”  I hear this no less than 7 times throughout any given day. These kids are growing, which means hungry bellies ’round the clock. Wouldn’t it be simpler if I only needed to feed my kids once, and they’d be good for life? One meal to set them up for the rest of their days. But that’s not how God designed it. Our bodies need constant sustenance in order to sustain life. A machine that never stops needing fuel for energy and growth. And the more we grow, the more we hunger. Now, let’s apply this spiritually. 

Moses had a deep passion and hunger for God in Exodus 33. First, he was eyewitness to God’s powerful hand against Pharaoh during the 10 plagues. Then, Moses watched Him open the Red Sea, make water flow from a rock, send bread from Heaven, rain quail from the sky, and met with Him on the mountain to receive the ten commandments. Even after all these incredible experiences with God, Moses was still hungry; he wanted even more! In Exodus 33:18, Moses said “Please show me your glorious presence” Moses had such an intense desire for more of God. And the staggering response from God was to say okay, I’ll let you see me. What if you and I were like that? What if we had such a longing for God that He revealed more of Himself to us? I believe that God is willing to reveal even more of Himself to us if only we were hungry enough for it. Jeremiah 29:13 promises that if we seek the Lord with all our hearts, we will find Him. Matthew 5:6 promises that if we hunger and thirst for righteousness, we are blessed and will be satisfied. We’re all searching for satisfaction, that’s a natural element of being human. Satisfaction in things, relationships, accomplishments, people, money, possessions. But God is calling us out of that simple way of thinking into a radical way of living. Being fully satisfied in Him and Him alone. And the paradox that He presents us here in Exodus is that although we can fill ourselves up with the glory of God fully and completely, we continually and simultaneously hunger and thirst for more. Fully satisfied and hungry at the same time, so that we would always remain in that equal balance between the two. Just like the body never stays satisfied with one meal but eventually hungers again for new and fresh sustenance, our spirits are designed the same way. Always needing and wanting more. How fortunate for us that God has an endless supply of love, glory, and righteousness. For as many times as we seek Him out, He is willing and prepared to feed us.  


Prayer: Father God, put a hunger and thirst inside of us for You, for Your righteousness, and for Your love, which can only be satisfied in Your Son Jesus. Thank You that though You fill us up, we don’t stay that way. Keep us in continual need of Your Spirit. You give us life, energy, power, and strength. We will not be satisfied with any less than more of You.  


Action: Read and memorize Psalm 42:1 “As the deer pants for the water, so my soul pants for You, my God”. Remember that man does not live by bread alone (Deuteronomy 8:3). When our spirits become parched and in need of Living Water, that’s an indication that we need to meet with the Lord for refreshment.