January 9, 2023
Melissa Valerio
In the last post, we talked about growing our faith in God. The most important thing to establish is Who our faith is rooted in. If your faith is rooted in anything other than Jesus Christ, it will never measure up to anything productive or life-giving. Only in Him can we find life. With that said, here are a couple more ways God grows our faith….
- In gathering together with other believers. This is so very important to our growth! So many references in scripture support this type of fellowship. Romans 1:11-12, for instance, says “For I long to see you, so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you, that is, that we may be mutually comforted by one another’s faith, both yours and mine.” (NET) God has designed it so that I am able to help strengthen you, and you are able to help strengthen me. “As iron sharpens iron, so a person sharpens his friend.” (Proverbs 27:17 NET) Is there a friend you can turn to for spiritual help? Do you have someone you can meet with regularly that has the same faith planted in them? If not, then be that friend, and God will bring you a helper as well. When you meet together, talk about the good things God is doing in your life. Here’s my example — God is making this blog a reality. I’ve wanted for so long to share my thoughts and feelings about His goodness with anyone who will listen. Starting small (mustard seed), I preached to anyone and everyone who came through my life. And now here we are, He’s given me an internet platform to speak the messages He places in my heart. Woo-hoo!! Thank you, Lord!! That’s an example of sharing what God has done in my life. When you meet with other believers, either one-on-one or in a small group, you are encouraged by each other’s stories and testimonies. You praise God together and marvel at His goodness. This helps grow your faith when you see Him working so awesomely in other people’s lives. Additionally, meeting together can help strengthen and comfort you when you’re weak “Blessed is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles so that we may be able to comfort those experiencing any trouble with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4) Hallelujah! We never have to go through life alone. A burden shared is a burden halved, a joy shared is a joy doubled!
- In pivotal life-changing events. This one is the hardest to accept, in my opinion. It’s those events in life that alter the direction we’re going once and for all. Those events that humble us and bring us to our knees. Those crushing incidents that change our course from our own way to the Lord’s way. For King Nebuchadnezzar, it was being reduced to an animal-like state and living in the wilderness for seven years because of the pride in his heart (Daniel 4:28-36). For Peter, it was his intense shame after denying he know the Lord Jesus 3 times, even though he promised up and down that he would never deny his Lord. (Luke 22:54-62). For the apostle Paul, it was being confronted by Jesus face to face and struck with blindness because of his extreme persecution of the followers Jesus. All these life-changing events were pivotal points in these people’s lives. It redirected them from living life for themselves to living life for God. It humbled them and made them realize that life and everything in it belongs to the Lord. He gives and He takes away (Job 1:21). Coming face to face with God in these kinds of circumstances is intended to grow our faith by realizing that ultimately, He is the one in control of everything.
Sometimes I wish it were simpler than this. Sometimes I wish God would just “deposit” more faith in me. But clearly, that’s now how He works. This faith relationship is exactly that — a relationship. Where both parties need to participate for there to be growth. God is always willing to participate. The question is, are we?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, increase my faith!! Do whatever you need to do to grow my faith in You. If it’s more scripture reading, give me the desire to dig into Your Word more. If it’s more prayer, give me the hunger to talk with You more. If it’s more fellowship, give me opportunities to share Your goodness with others. If it’s more trials, then please be easy on me and help me to learn the 1st time around so I don’t have to repeat the same lesson over and over as I’m fond of doing. In Your holy and blessed name, Amen.
Action: This week, meet with another believer over coffee or lunch (or a phone call if they’re too far away) and share what the Lord is doing in your life. Ask them how God has been moving in their life. Praise Him together and thank Him together. Then commit to meeting (or talking) regularly for these kinds of encouragements.