April 8, 2024
Melissa Valerio
Meddle: to interest oneself in what is not one’s concern: interfere without right or propriety. (Mirriam-Webster)
Nooooooooobody likes a meddler or busybody. Am I right or am I right? That person that always seems to know the most recent gossip about everyone else including yourself. Who just can’t seem to stay in their own business, but instead insists on sticking their nose in issues that do not concern them, all in the name of “caring” about their friends. But truthfully, if they really cared about their friends, they’d be praying about the issue, not spreading gossip or rumors around social circles. Exactly, no one likes a meddler. Yet, each one of us has fallen into that category at one point or another. Minding your own business could be one of the hardest things to do, right? Especially if that business involves someone you don’t care for. It’s a very ugly human trait; not at all Christ-like, and one the bible explicitly denounces.
As a wise man once said, there is nothing new under the sun. Funny that the early church had a problem with meddlers, just as we do today. 1 Thessalonians 4:11 points this out, stating “Try your best to live quietly, to mind your own business, and to work hard, just as we taught you to do.” (CEV) Ouch! Very plainly and clearly, we are told to mind our own business. The fact is, we are all sinners. Not a single one of us can sit in the seat of judgement against someone else for their sin or the mess they are dealing with. We would be hypocrites to spread juicy gossip around knowing full well we have our own skeletons. We should be focusing what God has given us within our own lives at this very hour. Jesus lived this principal so well. He never inserted Himself where He was not wanted. And neither should we.
Prayer: Loving Father, we admit we have meddled in other people’s affairs when we should not have. Please forgive us. Our own lives have enough “stuff” we need to work on. Please help us focus our attention on what You are doing in our lives. We trust that You are working out Your will in our lives, just as You are in theirs. In the name of Your holy son, Amen.
Action: Read and memorize 1 Corinthians 10:31, “When you eat or drink or do anything else, always do it to honor God.” Make that your daily mantra. If whatever we do does not honor God, it should not be done.