January 23, 2023
Melissa Valerio
When I was a child, I never even thought twice about my parents providing for my needs. I didn’t worry about having enough food to eat or having clothes to wear. I didn’t wonder if I would have a warm bed to sleep in at night. These things just weren’t on my radar as a child. I guess it was that “child-like faith” the bible commends. But somewhere along the line, as I grew into an adult with my own children, those kinds of worries crept in when living paycheck to paycheck became a reality. So how do you combat that? How do you have the assurance deep inside of you that you will have enough to provide for your own families? Doesn’t Philippians 4:19 say that God will supply every need of mine? Yes, of course He will. So, settle down spirit, He is the God of provision. Take the example of the prophet Elijah and the widow of Zarephath in 1 Kings 17:9-16. There was drought in the land and Elijah was sent to Zarephath by God in order to provide food for him. Elijah found a widow there gathering sticks together to make a fire. He asked her for a meal, but she was hesitant because she only had enough flour and oil to bake one last loaf of bread that she intended to share with her son, and then both were set to die from lack of food. And yet Elijah boldly asked her to first make him some bread, then she could make some for her son and herself. Talk about great faith! To press on and do what this prophet asked of her, trusting that by obeying God in this request, she would also be provided for. And that’s exactly what happened!
She put all her faith in God, trusting that He would provide for her needs, just as she was providing for Elijah’s need. Her jar of flour and oil, that originally had only enough for her and her son’s last meal, miraculously stayed full for many days, until the drought was over. Just think about how hard it must have been for her to take that first step of obedience. To look at the little she had and trust that by giving it all to the Lord (by feeding Elijah), He would then turn around and bless her with abundance. That’s not an uncommon theme in the bible, you know. That’s the law of the harvest. “Give, and it will be given to you; a good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over – will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.” (Luke 6:38 HCSB) What you give, you get. Sow apple seeds, get an apple tree. Sow pumpkin seeds, get pumpkins. Give little, get little. Give much, get much. Give money, get money. Give food, get food. But it’s not limited to just material things. This passage in Luke refers more to the treatment of others. Give forgiveness, get forgiveness. Give mercy, get mercy. Give kindness, get kindness. Give hatred, get hatred. Give judgement, get judgement. See how that works? You really do reap what you sow.
I admire the widow, though. To have so little to begin with and still obey the word of the Lord by giving it away. And God honored that obedience by giving her back more than she gave away. Our miracle working God promises provision, and He is able to deliver because He is the God of the universe and the source of everything we need! From providing food in the Garden of Eden at the start of creation to providing the Lamb on the cross for our salvation, He has never stopped meeting our needs. So, let’s be more like the widow and take that step of faith. Let’s open our hands and give, then stand back and watch God open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that we won’t have enough room for it! (Malachi 3:10-11)
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for always providing everything we need in life. Not only the practical things such as food, water, and air. But also, the abundant things like running water, air conditioning, money to eat out, a nice house/car, a TV to watch. Everything we have comes from Your hand, and truthfully, it still belongs to You. Help us to be more generous in our gifts to others, and with a cheerful heart. Teach us that in giving things away, we can actually reap more blessings. In the name of Your son, Jesus Christ, Amen.
Action: Give something to someone, purely out of generosity, not expecting anything in return. Money is the hardest thing to give away. But do it anyway and see how good it feels to bless someone who needs it more than you do.
This is something I struggle with. I’m working on my “yes” to God’s direction without hesitation or questioning. Also not saying yes to see what will come to me in return but simply because it was His instruction.