Pray For The Soil

October 21, 2024

Melissa Valerio


Luke 8:5-15
Of all the ways Jesus could have taught, He chose parables for many of His lessons. He did this so the secrets of the Kingdom would be hidden from those who rejected Him but comprehensible to those who would take the time and effort to understand. Like the parable of the Sower. He described four different kinds of hearts using the concept of farming. The seed (the word of God), would land on these four types of soil, and depending on the condition of the soil, the farmer would either see a crop in due time or nothing at all.
Hard soil = Hard heart. This is an unbeliever. Someone who hears the word (gospel) but doesn’t believe it or care for it. The soil in this person’s heart has not been plowed.
Shallow soil = Shallow heart. This person has no root. They accept the gospel with joy, but then soon fall away when things get difficult in times of testing.
Choked soil = Choked heart. This person wants to hold onto the world too much. They accept the gospel, but then live in competition with life’s worries, riches, and pleasures. They love the world too much to let it go.
Good soil = Good heart. This person has a heart prepared for the gospel. It’s been toiled and plowed, ready for planting. They accept the gospel, take time to grow it, persevere through the changing weather (storms of life), and then reproduce, bearing fruit to share.
Here’s what I’ve discovered; only God can soften the heart for planting. Only He can plow it and get it ready for the gospel. Our job is to plant the seeds, but only He can make it grow. Let’s pray for those around us, especially in our immediate families, that have a hard heart toward God. Let’s pray that God will soften their hearts and make it ready for the seeds of salvation. Then plant, plant, and plant some more.
Prayer: Holy Father, You are the God of the harvest. You know what is in each man’s heart. You know where the work needs to be done to get each of us ready to accept You. We pray for those in our families that do not know You. Please soften their hearts to You and give us the opportunity to share Jesus with them. Give us courage and boldness as we plant the seeds of salvation in others. In Your matchless name, Amen.
Action: Think of someone in your life that has rejected Jesus. Pray for them. Pray that God would soften their heart toward Him. Pray for the Lord to use you to help them see the light.