December 11, 2023
Melissa Valerio
“But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in sins, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved)” Ephesians 2:4-5 MEV
What does it mean to be rich in mercy? Does it mean God is extra merciful toward the extra bad sinner? Does it mean He keeps dealing out mercy over and over again for the sinner who repeatedly sins? Does it mean God has an unlimited supply for all the people in all the world? Maybe all three? What I do know is, I need that extra, repeated, unlimited mercy just for me alone!
God’s mercy is His compassion for our hopelessness and helplessness. We have a problem — He has the solution. His mercy sees our misery which then leads Him to act. This abundant mercy not only overlooks the sin and the punishment we deserve, but then becomes an abounding, overflowing love that makes us alive in Christ through the Holy Spirit. Mercy so rich that it sees our depraved condition, forgives the transgression, comes into our hearts to live, and transforms us from death to life! None of this would be possible without God’s mercy moving His heart. The richness of His love being displayed in His actions. The past action of the cross, the present action of the Spirit moving within us, and the future action when Jesus returns. God’s mercy moved toward us first. Let’s respond by taking one more step closer toward Him.
Prayer: King Jesus, thank You for being so RICH in mercy! Not lower-class, not middle-class, but RICH in mercy. Without it, we would still be wandering around Earth lost and blind. Thank You that Your mercies are new every morning. For every day, we need a fresh dose from You. In Your holy and blessed name, Amen.
Action: God gives mercy as a gift. Free of charge to us, paid in full by Him. If we have so freely been given this gift, then we ought to freely give it away. Think of someone this Christmas season who could use the gift of your mercy. Reach out to them and offer it.