February 20, 2023
Melissa Valerio
After settling down in our spirits, understanding that God has everything under control and is working everything out in His proper timing, now we can REST in His plan/promise. Easier said than done, I know. Because resting is ongoing. No matter how loooooooong. Definitely easier said than done.
One of the ten commandments is “Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy.” This stems from the time of creation when God created the Earth and everything in it. In six days, He created the Earth, and on the seventh day He rested. When I was younger, my image of God resting was picturing Him laying on some clouds blowing on a dandelion. Or maybe reclining somewhere with angels playing harps all around Him. Then I matured a bit and realized there’s an outside lesson and an inside lesson. A physical lesson and a spiritual lesson.
The outside physical lesson: Rest is needed for our physical and mental welfare. God gives us an example of how the week should look. 6 days we labor, 1 day we rest. Rest is a gift He’s given us. It was so important to Him that when He was taking the Israelites through the wilderness and provided food for them daily for 40 years, He gave them a double portion on the 6th day so that they had enough for that day and the next day (Sabbath). He didn’t want them to labor or toil for their food on His holy day. The Sabbath day is the one day a week we set aside for Him. To worship Him and commune with our family and friends. It’s good for the body, the mind, and for building relationships.
The inside spiritual lesson: Rest is a place He takes us – His spirit to our spirit – when we’re faced with challenging circumstances that make us anxious, worried, or afraid. When we’re going through something stressful or difficult, He tells us to cast all our cares on Him (1 Peter 5:7) and when we do, He gives us His strength and His peace through it. Listen to Isaiah 26:3 “God, You give true peace to people who depend on You, to those who trust in You.” (ERV) God’s peace in our hearts is the “rest” that we so desperately need. And this is also a gift from the Lord. He gives sleep to those He loves (Psalm 127:2). Remember His promises to you. Trust His promises to you. Cling to Him, and He will give you rest for your soul.
Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for inviting us to rest in You. Because of the hard work You’ve already done on the cross, and because of the death that you defeated, we are victorious in this life. You promised that You have good plans for our lives (Jeremiah 29:11). Help us remember that everything we’re going through is part of that wonderful plan. Because of that, we are free to rest comfortably in Your hands.
Action: Find a promise of God in the bible that speaks directly to your circumstances. Stamp it on your heart by memorizing it. Repeat it to yourself morning, day, and night until you hear it ringing in your sleep.