The Glory Of Truth

April 24, 2023

Melissa Valerio


When I was in 1st grade, there was a classmate of mine that had the cutest little erasers. All different shapes, kinds, and colors. Hearts, stars, a sun, a cow, a little pig. They were the cutest little things! My family was too poor to afford novelties like that. I had sturdy, boring, pale red erasers.  She had so many tiny, cute ones. And I only had one sturdy one. That didn’t seem fair; so, one day, without thinking it through, I stole a couple. I hid them deep in my desk so no one would find them. I knew I couldn’t take them home. If anyone found them at home, they would question where I got them. They were much safer at school. Until she found out they were missing.  


The teacher stood in front of the class and announced that Jessica was missing some erasers. She pleaded with the class to please come forward and let her (the teacher) know if we took them. She said we could come up to her at any point during the day and admit we were the ones that took them. It was such a loving invitation. She wasn’t mad, she wasn’t scary, she genuinely seemed sad that someone would do such a thing to a fellow classmate. So of course, I could not confess and disappoint my teacher any more than she already was. And now that the hunt was on for the erasers, I wished I had taken them home. What if they asked each of us to empty our desks? Then I would be in bigger trouble for not telling the truth. So, I did the next best thing a 6-year-old would do…. I threw them in the trash. I would NOT be caught red handed. But the very next day, the teacher again stood at the front of the class and gave an update. “Class,” she said, “someone has come forth and admitted they took the erasers. Julia, would you like to come up here?” And poor Julia had to stand in front of the entire class and admit she took the erasers and apologize to Jessica. What the heck?? Ok, first of all, I was shocked that I wasn’t the only one that took erasers. Secondly, this is EXACTLY why I didn’t want to admit it. Who wants to go through that trauma and shame??? And thirdly, I couldn’t help admiring Julia’s courage! Why didn’t I have that kind of courage??? Well, it would take 40 more years of life and all kinds of messy things to realize that the truth really will set you free, no matter the consequences.  


In Joshua 7, we read about a man named Achan. He was one of the favored Israelite people that God took by the hand and was ushered into the Promised Land, through the walls of Jericho. But God gave them a command. In Joshua 6:18, before the walls came down, God, through Joshua, spoke these words, “But keep yourselves from the things set apart, or you will be set apart for destruction. If you take any of those things, you will set apart the camp of Israel for destruction and bring disaster on it. For all the silver and gold, and the articles of bronze and iron, are dedicated to the Lord and must go into the Lord’s treasury.” (HCSB) So, we clearly see a command from God NOT to take any of the things that were supposed to go into His treasury. Silver, gold, bronze, and iron. Yet in Joshua 7, we read that Achan took some of these forbidden items and hid them in his tent. Because of this deceitful act, a group of the Israelite army died when attacking the neighboring town of AI. Once Joshua found out it was Achan that caused their deaths (because of his act of thievery), Joshua said this: “So Joshua said to Achan, ‘My son, give glory to the Lord, the God of Israel, and make a confession to Him. I urge you, tell me what you have done. Don’t hide anything from me.’” (HCSB) If Achan had the mind of a 6-year-old Melissa, he would have lied right through his teeth. But he chose a better way. He chose to bring glory to God by admitting the truth. Although his act of thievery deemed destruction for him and his family, his last act of admitting the truth glorified God. I never really thought about telling the truth as an act of glorifying God, but it makes sense. God is Truth. And speaking truth means speaking God’s language. I wish I knew more of God’s language when I was in 1st grade. I wish I had the guts to admit I took the erasers, no matter the consequences. Poor Achan died for his theft. I could have at least stood in front of class and apologized. So, Jessica, wherever you are, I am sorry I took your erasers, that was so wrong of me. Please forgive me! 


Prayer: Lord Jesus, please forgive me for all the times I have taken things from You and from others that did not belong to me. Help me to be thankful for everything You give me because it’s always enough. Help me recognize that telling the truth brings You glory, even if it brings me consequences. May I always choose to glorify You. In Your holy name, Amen.  


Action: Read Ephesians 4:25-28. The next time you are faced with choosing between telling a lie and telling the truth, remember that you can bring glory to God simply by telling the truth. Truth is His language; He is sure to hear and be pleased when we choose His language over the devil’s.  

