May 22, 2023
Melissa Valerio
It is impossible to know everything there is to know about Jesus. He has no beginning and no end. He is an inexhaustible deep well of knowledge and spiritual insight. Even if we drew from this well every second of every day of every year of life, we would never reach the bottom. And even if we think we know all there is to know pertaining to our individual lives, we’re wrong, because there is still infinitely more to learn. That’s one thing I love about Jesus. He never runs out! The more I need Him, the more He gives.
His glory is without end
His grace is without end
His wisdom is without end
His mercy is without end
His love is without end
HE is without end
And because He is without end, our discovery of Him is without end
For example, when I first came to faith in Christ, I believed in the cross. I believed Jesus died in payment for my sins, so that I am now acceptable to God. I believed that after Jesus died from this crucifixion, he then rose back to life 3 days later and was eventually taken up into Heaven right before his followers’ eyes. I also believed that one day He’ll come back and gather all His people. That’s what I believed (and still do believe!) And all of this is 100% true, but just like Jesus doesn’t end, our journey of faith doesn’t end there. Once we trust in Jesus as our Savior, and the Holy Spirit gets deposited in our spirits, our new identity is born. Now, the real learning begins!
When Paul prayed for the Ephesian church, he said this “I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, and His incomparably great power for us who believe.” (Ephesians 1:17-19 NIV) And what is that hope to which He has called us? That WE (You and I) may know that WE (You and I) belong to Him! For us to understand who we are in Christ Jesus. To know that we are His precious inheritance and rich in His glory because Christ is living inside of us. We are prized possessions, with a doting Father and protective Husband who has promised to provide for us, care for us, comfort us, lead us, make the wrongs right, and bring us home to be with Him once we leave this Earth.
You see, it’s not just learning about what Jesus did in history. It’s also knowing who we are, in light of what He’s done. This is the spiritual insight Paul prayed for us to understand and know in our hearts. But beyond that, there’s still so much more to learn about God. Like His precious plan for each of us. The reason He made us and skilled us. The cooperating work He has called each of us to do. He promises to reveal Himself to us if we seek Him with all our hearts (Jeremiah 29:13). We can never know all there is to know, so let’s dive even deeper and see what thrills God has in store for us!
Prayer: Lord God, You are a wealth of knowledge, insight, discernment, blessing, goodness, and mystery. We want MORE of You. Open our hearts and eyes to see You more clearly and know You more deeply. In Your Son’s precious name, Amen.
Action: Read Ephesians 2:4-8. Here’s another incredible revelation: If we are in Christ, and because Christ is seated in the Heavens, we are seated with Him. This means we have spiritual privileges that not everyone has. We are set apart as His children, with special privileges based on our relationship with Jesus. Those privileges include God’s divine intervention in our earthly circumstances, on our behalf. We have the privilege of coming to Him in prayer, asking for help in time of need, and expecting Him to work it out as He sees best.