February 26, 2024
Melissa Valerio
“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” 1 Peter 5:8-9 NIV
The idea that destruction can come from something we can’t see is hard for some people to believe. But that doesn’t make it any less true. We can’t see germs, but they can certainly cause damage. We can’t see hurricane force winds, but we definitely see their affects. The bible warns us of the elements unseen to the naked eye — the elements of darkness.
When Jesus died on the cross, our chains died with Him. No longer are we bound to sin and death. No longer a pawn in Satan’s schemes. Once we accepted Jesus as the atoning sacrifice for us, we became His property and we now dwell with the King, free from any hold the devil previously had. However, that doesn’t stop Satan from trying to discourage us or draw us away from God. He is constantly attacking our minds, planting fear and doubt anywhere he can. He watches, studies, examines us to find our weaknesses. He throws accusations in our minds, hoping to stumble us and lose sight of God’s goodness. This spiritual warfare is nvisible to the naked eye, but very, very real.
In this passage in 1 Peter 5, Peter encourages us to be on high alert pertaining to these issues. He reminds us that Satan is on the hunt, prowling around looking for a gateway into our minds. His intent is to deceive and distract. He’s been doing that ever since the Garden. But remember one thing, Satan is limited in his power. God is sovereign even over Satan’s actions. Just read Job and you’ll see how Satan needed permission from God touch Job. Then read Luke 22:31 where Satan asked permission to have Peter. You see how Satan’s power is limited? He cannot do anything to any of us without God’s permission. And then read on in Luke, you’ll see that Jesus prayed for Peter that his faith may not fail. He does the same for you and me. Though Satan may have permission to attack, Jesus stands in as our intercessor, praying for God’s strength to flow in us in order to resist him. So, let’s stand firm, KNOWING that no one, including Satan, can pluck us from the Lord’s hand.
Prayer: Lord God, You already crushed the enemy’s head, so he is forever under our feet too. Help us get that ingrained in our minds and hearts so we can fully resist his schemes. Only in Your strength can we overcome. Thank You for keeping us safely in Your hands. In Your blessed Son’s name, Amen.
Action: Read Ephesians 6:10-17. Put on the full armor of God to thoroughly resist the devil. Practice this each day this week.