The Power Of The Cross

January 8, 2024

Melissa Valerio


Have you ever tried to share your faith with someone, and they looked at you like you were growing another eyeball in the middle of your forehead? Or worse, you share your faith with someone, and they completely reject Jesus and think it is a ridiculous notion that a man would die on the cross for the entire world? And even more foolish to believe that He came back to life afterward? I admit, it is certainly not your everyday “act of kindness”. It is an incredible gift to give your life for someone who does not deserve it. Even me, when I really sit down and think about it, I wonder to myself “Why would He do this for me?” But I do not question it too much. I just say “Thank You, Lord. I don’t know why you did this for me but thank You for the gift of life.” Not everyone will believe, I know this. The Bible says as much in 1 Corinthians 1:17 “the teaching about the cross seems foolish to those who are lost. But to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” (ERV) 


I suppose the cross seems foolish to some people because it is the “stumbling block” described in 1 Peter 2:7-8. To those that would believe, Jesus is the Cornerstone. But to those that would not believe, He is the Stumbling Block. The cross indicts us and reveals the truth about us. The truth that: 


we are lost (without the cross) 

we are depraved (without the cross) 

we are helpless (without the cross) 

we are dead (without the cross) 


It highlights the desperate need in our lives and souls. If there were no need for a Savior, there would be no need for the cross. But the cross is like a mirror, revealing our greatest need – the need for God to intervene on our behalf. And even more, it shows us what we truly deserve. 


The teaching of the cross is wiser than anything else that could be taught in any classroom anywhere in the world at any point in time. It is unparalleled in its power, penetrating the entire Earth for generations since Jesus’ resurrection. Though many have tried, no one can kill it, no one can diminish it, no one can water it down. The cross was necessary because without it, we would remain in our sin and death. Jesus is either The Cornerstone or the Stumbling Block. Which one is He to you?  


Prayer: Heavenly Jesus, Your life, death, and resurrection have insurmountable power that no one can stop. Your blood speaks a better word to all who believe in Your name. We choose the Cornerstone as our foundation. Just as You started on Peter, so continue building on us. We are no fools to the message.   


Action: The cross and all it’s implications do no good to the person who hasn’t accepted Jesus as their Savior. If that’s you, today is your day! Jesus died for YOU. Tell Him how thankful you are and ask Him to come live in you. He’s been waiting a lifetime for your love.