The Universe or God?

November 9, 2022

Stephanie Nanton


A piece of art, a well crafted piece of art, does not just simply appear. It cannot speak, or tell you it’s purpose. A piece of art is carefully planned, well thought about, and created with passion. A piece of art comes to life, or exist because of its creator -the artist. There will be many who will view the art, and try to interpret it. But only the artist knows the why’s and how’s of what he created. The artist knows the art.
A car, does not just simply exist. A car is created by a creator. A house, does not just simply exist. A house is created and built by a builder. A baby, does not just simply pop into existence. A baby is created and then born. I have yet to see the Big Bang theory in action. All I see is the action of creations made by creators. Ideas from a creator, becoming reality.
I pondered these questions in my mind. I wondered, and tried to gain some understanding of why some refer to the universe for guidance. Then I heard in my heart….
Imagine….being a surgeon. You have the knowledge, the understanding of the human anatomy, and of course the skills to operate on patients. You’re a surgeon that has a caring heart to want to see your patient survive through surgery. You always take every precaution to make sure they live through surgery.
You have a patient that has a medical condition that is life threatening. You know what tools, medications, X-rays or care your patients will need. You successfully helped the patient, they will not die because you knew what to do. However, your patient looks to the tools, medications, X-rays and care only, as to what saved them or solved their ailment. You, the surgeon, are not acknowledged because you don’t exist in their eyes. The patient even prayed to the tools, and thanked the tools for good vibes during the surgery. Only the medical operating equipment exist….that’s what kept them alive.
Or maybe you’re the one who created the operating tools, but humanity says you don’t exists? The tools just evolved or just appeared. Or maybe you’re the one who created a plane, but humanity says you couldn’t possibly exist because planes have crashed and have killed thousands. How could the creator of the planes do this?
You’re an artist, who created a famous painting, but you did not get credit for the painting. You didn’t get credit because you don’t exist. The admirers aren’t able to see you, or touch you, so you don’t exist. The painting just appeared, due to the paint and brushes, coming together. A Big Bang happened, and the painting appeared into existence. The paint and paintbrushes were acknowledged as the true artist behind the painting. Or, before the painting was a painting… was a once a tree that evolved into the famous painting on its own, without any assistance.
How absurd! How silly, right? But, for some reason, this is how the world chooses to believe and live their lives – in complete darkness. A lie or falseness is more acceptable than the actual truth. All this time I grew up learning that lying was hurtful and damaging. Turns out, the world we live in feeds off of lying, and they can’t get enough of it.